澳大利亚国防部长证实AUKUS已走上正轨, Australian Defence Minister confirms AUKUS is on track, with Virginia-class subs due by 2030s.
澳大利亚国防部长Richard Marles声称,澳大利亚与英国和美国的安全伙伴关系正在按计划取得进展。 Australian Defence Minister Richard Marles asserts that the AUKUS security partnership with the UK and US is progressing as planned. 到2030年代初,澳大利亚将至少接收三艘弗吉尼亚级潜艇,在2040年代初将跟随核动力潜艇。 Australia will receive at least three Virginia-class submarines by the early 2030s, with nuclear-powered submarines to follow in the 2040s. 尽管人们对美国制造能力感到关切,但美国两党支持和最近立法允许向澳大利亚出售潜艇加强了Marles对该项目的信心。 Despite concerns about US manufacturing capacity, bipartisan US support and recent legislation enabling submarine sales to Australia bolster Marles' confidence in the project.