澳大利亚根据AUKUS协议,首次向美国支付5亿美元,用于核潜艇。 Australia pays first $500 million to the US for nuclear submarines under AUKUS deal.
澳大利亚已根据AUKUS核潜艇协定向美国支付首次5亿美元的分期付款,表明澳大利亚对该协定的承诺。 Australia has paid the first $500 million installment to the US under the AUKUS nuclear submarine deal, signaling its commitment to the agreement. 这笔交易涉及澳大利亚购买美国维吉尼亚级核潜艇,并承诺提供30亿美元支持美国潜艇工业。 The deal involves Australia purchasing US Virginia-class nuclear submarines and committing $3 billion to support the US submarine industry. 此外,澳大利亚计划花费180亿美元用于更新供美国使用的北方防御基地,80亿美元用于西澳大利亚州海军基地,以支持美国核潜艇轮调。 Additionally, Australia plans to spend $18 billion on upgrading northern defense bases for US use and $8 billion on a naval base in Western Australia to support US nuclear submarine rotations.