奥克兰建议限制狗行走者为六只狗, 三只离皮狗, 以解决行为和保护野生动物。 Auckland proposes limiting dog walkers to six dogs, three off-leash, to address behavior and protect wildlife.
奥克兰议会正在提出新规则, 将狗主人可以一起行走的人数限制在六人, 只有三只允许放行, 以回应有关狗行为及野生生物保护的投诉。 Auckland Council is proposing new rules to limit the number of dogs owners can walk together to six, with only three allowed off-leash, in response to complaints about dog behavior and wildlife protection. 该计划包括建立更多的无狗区和新的无狗区,旨在平衡所有公园使用者的需求。 The plan includes creating more dog-free areas and new off-leash zones, aiming to balance the needs of all park users. 至2月23日,关于这些变化的公众反馈将开放至2月23日。 Public feedback on these changes is open until February 23.