奥克兰狗攻击案增加了17%;呼吁新西兰政府更新狗安全准则。 17% increase in Auckland dog attacks; calls for NZ government to update dog safety guidelines.
在奥克兰,狗攻击事件猛增17%,截至6月30日的一年中共有2 846起。 In Auckland, dog attacks have surged by 17%, totaling 2,846 incidents in the year ending June 30. 由于这一激增,要求新西兰政府修订其狗安全准则,而这些准则因过时而受到批评。 This spike has led to demands for the New Zealand government to revise its dog safety guidelines, which are criticized for being outdated. 狗安全工作场所主任Jo Clough强调,需要更好地开展有关安全与狗互动的教育,特别是对儿童而言,以应对日益严重的攻击威胁。 Jo Clough, director of Dog Safe Workplace, emphasizes the need for better education on safe interactions with dogs, particularly for children, to address the rising threat of attacks.