阿尔塔迪纳居民和官员就最近一场火灾后的重建策略展开辩论。 Altadena residents and officials debate rebuilding strategies after a recent fire.
阿尔塔迪纳在最近的一场交火后面临恢复挑战。 Altadena is facing challenges in its recovery after a recent firefight. 社区领袖现在专注于重建和规划未来,解决住房、基础设施和环境保护等问题。 Community leaders are now focused on rebuilding and planning for the future, addressing issues like housing, infrastructure, and environmental protection. 该镇正在寻求确保有弹性和可持续复苏的方法。 The town is seeking ways to ensure a resilient and sustainable recovery.