Altadena居民由于Eaton火灾、被混乱和错误信息击中,在进入家中时受到限制。 Altadena residents face restricted access home due to Eaton fire, hit by confusion and misinformation.
Altadena居民感到沮丧,因为他们由于Eaton火灾、封锁不明确和缺乏资源,进入家园受到限制。 Altadena residents are frustrated as they face restricted access to their homes due to the Eaton fire, with unclear blockades and lack of resources. 来自帕萨迪纳市的错误消息加剧了混乱,因为一张假脸书文章导致居民相信他们可以短暂返回家园, Misinformation from the City of Pasadena added to the confusion, as a false Facebook post led residents to believe they could briefly return home, only to find they were denied entry. 当局,包括贾巴里·威廉姆斯警长警长,为沟通错误道歉,并承认正在努力管理这一局势。 Authorities, including Sheriff Captain Jabari Williams, apologized for the miscommunication and acknowledged ongoing efforts to manage the situation.