新灾难恢复中心在阿尔塔迪纳开业,帮助野火受害者,接替帕萨迪纳中心。 New Disaster Recovery Center opens in Altadena to aid wildfire victims, succeeding Pasadena center.
一个新的灾难恢复中心于星期一在阿尔塔迪纳启用, A new Disaster Recovery Center opens in Altadena on Monday, becoming the third center in Southern California post-wildfires. 它位于W. Woodbury路540号,将接管2月1日关闭的Pasadena中心的服务。 Located at 540 W. Woodbury Road, it will take over services from the Pasadena center, which closes on February 1. 这些中心提供来自地方、州和联邦机构的各种资源和服务,包括FEMA,以帮助受最近野火影响的人。 These centers offer a variety of resources and services from local, state, and federal agencies, including FEMA, to assist those affected by the recent wildfires.