一名19岁的女子在网上争吵演变为暴力后,因重罪攻击和偷枪被捕。 A 19-year-old woman was arrested for felonious assault and stealing a gun after an online argument turned violent.
在密歇根州战溪的两名妇女之间在网上发生的纠纷,在一名妇女与她的兄弟和另外两人来到受害者家中时,演变成一场身体上的争吵。 A dispute online between two women in Battle Creek, Michigan, escalated into a physical altercation when one woman arrived at the victim's home with her brother and two others. 随后发生了一场战斗,涉及一把偷盗的手枪,导致一名19岁的妇女被捕,她被指控犯有严重殴打罪和拥有被盗财产罪。 A fight ensued, involving a stolen pistol, leading to the arrest of a 19-year-old woman who was charged with felonious assault and possession of stolen property. 其他嫌疑人面临待决攻击指控,一名受害者受轻伤。 Other suspects face pending assault charges, and one victim had minor injuries.