俄亥俄州警方报告了一系列逮捕 酒后驾车、盗窃、家庭暴力等罪行 Ohio police report a series of arrests for DUIs, theft, and domestic violence, among other crimes.
近几周来,俄亥俄几个城镇的警察对许多事件作出了反应,包括因驾车而被捕、持有毒品、盗窃和家庭暴力。 In recent weeks, police in several Ohio towns have responded to numerous incidents, including arrests for driving under the influence, possession of drugs, theft, and domestic violence. 值得注意的案件包括Drew Whidden因DWI事故被起诉、Vanessa Braun因用油漆罐袭击房主和Miko Youngbou因多起交通和盗窃罪被起诉。 Notable cases include charges against Drew Whidden for a DWI accident, Vanessa Braun for assaulting homeowners with a paint can, and Miko Youngbear for multiple traffic and theft offenses. 其他事件包括破坏他人财产、偷盗车辆和跟踪。 Other incidents involve vandalism, vehicle theft, and stalking. 为被指控的人规定了各种听讯和开庭日期。 Various hearings and court dates have been set for those charged.