密歇根州罗克福德男子因持武器家庭暴力被捕,逃跑但被捕,K-9 找到手枪;指控待定。 Rockford, MI man arrested for domestic assault with weapon, fleeing but captured, K-9 finds handgun; charges pending.
2024年9月10日,密歇根州罗克福德警方逮捕一名男子,指控其涉及一名女性和一把武器. On September 10, 2024, Rockford, Michigan police arrested a man for domestic assault after a report involving a woman and a weapon. 当局在事件发生期间为附近的学校发出了一项就地收容令。 Authorities issued a shelter-in-place order for nearby schools during the incident. 嫌犯逃跑,但在短暂追逐后被捕,一个K-9分队后来在附近找到一把手枪。 The suspect fled but was apprehended following a brief chase, and a K-9 unit later located a handgun in the vicinity. 此人目前关押在肯特县监狱,由于案件由检察官审查,指控待决。 The individual is currently held at the Kent County Jail, with charges pending as the case is reviewed by prosecutors.