威特尼图书馆于2月24日暂时关闭,以便进行翻修,提高能源效率,改善设施。 Witney Library closes temporarily on Feb. 24 for renovations aimed at improving energy efficiency and facilities.
牛津郡的Witney图书馆将于2月24日暂时关闭, Witney Library in Oxfordshire will close temporarily on February 24 for renovations, planned to reopen in summer. 该项目包括升级取暖、窗户和绝缘,以减少碳排放,加屋顶修理和新的特征,如移动的夹层、改良的儿童区和专用学习空间。 The project includes upgrading heating, windows, and insulation to cut carbon emissions, plus roof repairs and new features like moveable shelving, an improved children’s area, and dedicated study spaces. 2月26日起,临时图书馆将在当地消防站提供有限的服务。 A temporary library will offer limited services at the local fire station starting February 26.