墨尔本大学将一些牙医学生推迟到2026年,原因是申请人数激增,创纪录。 University of Melbourne defers some dental students to 2026 due to record application surge.
被墨尔本大学著名的研究生牙科外科方案录取的一些牙科学生由于申请突然激增,被意外推迟至2026年。 Some dental students accepted into the University of Melbourne’s prestigious postgraduate dental surgery program have been unexpectedly deferred until 2026 due to an unexpected surge in applications. 该大学承认这一前所未有的需求,并道歉,向受影响学生提供支持,并与他们讨论替代方案。 The university acknowledged the unprecedented demand and has apologized, offering support to the affected students and discussing alternative options with them.