诺福克委员会资助150万英镑,用于新建一所牙科学校,以解决当地牙科护理短缺问题。 Norfolk councils fund £1.5 million for a new dental school to combat local dental care shortages.
诺福克委员会承诺向东安格利亚大学提供150万英镑,用于建立一个300万英镑的口腔健康学校,旨在解决诺福克的“山地沙漠”问题,因为许多居民无法获得国民保健制度的牙科护理。 Norfolk councils have committed £1.5 million to the University of East Anglia to establish a £3 million School of Oral Health, aiming to address the "dental desert" issue in Norfolk, where many residents lack access to NHS dental care. 该学校预定在诺福克和诺威奇大学医院开办,最初每年招收40名学生,计划扩大。 The school, set to open at the Norfolk and Norwich University Hospital, will initially enroll 40 students annually, with plans to expand. 东英吉利大学将支付剩余的 150 万英镑,用于专业教学设施和设备。 The UEA will cover the remaining £1.5 million for specialized teaching facilities and equipment.