数千名国际学生面临签证延误,妨碍他们秋季学期开始。 Thousands of international students face visa delays, hindering their fall semester start.
由于严重的签证拖延和持续的不确定因素,数千名国际学生无法开始秋季学期。 Thousands of international students are unable to start the fall semester due to significant visa delays and ongoing uncertainties. 这种情况给计划出国留学的学生带来了挑战,影响到他们的学习时间表和总体教育经验。 The situation has created challenges for students planning to study abroad, impacting their academic timelines and overall educational experiences. 这些延误突显了国际学生签证的复杂性,以及需要及时办理手续,以便利新学生更顺利地过渡。 These delays highlight the complexities surrounding international student visas and the need for timely processing to facilitate smoother transitions for new students.