无论是韦尔镇还是区镇的居民都请求离开查塔姆-肯特,以获得更好的服务和代表权。 Residents in Bothwell and Zone Township petition to leave Chatham-Kent for better services and representation.
由于对服务水平的不满,安大略省Bbothwell和Zone镇的居民正在请愿离开Chatham-Kent市,加入兰博顿县。 Residents in Bothwell and Zone Township, Ontario, are petitioning to leave the Municipality of Chatham-Kent and join Lambton County due to dissatisfaction with service levels. 令人关注的问题包括地方设施可能关闭,地方治理中的代表人数减少,以及1990年代后期被迫与Chatham-Kent合并。 Concerns include potential closures of local facilities and reduced representation in local governance, as well as the forced amalgamation with Chatham-Kent in the late 1990s. 请愿书寻求各省批准分居,目的是改善服务和解决农村的忽视问题。 The petition seeks provincial approval for a separation, aiming to improve services and address rural neglect.