安大略康沃尔省考虑为社区倡议提出415 000美元的资金请求,等待预算谈判。 Cornwall, Ontario, considers $415,000 in funding requests for community initiatives, pending budget talks.
最近在安大略省康沃尔举行的市政厅会议上,地方组织共提出了近415 000美元的请求,要求从该市2025年预算中提供财政或实物支持。 During a recent town hall meeting in Cornwall, Ontario, local organizations presented requests totaling nearly $415,000 for financial or in-kind support from the city’s 2025 budget. 供资的目的是加强符合可持续性、健康和包容性等战略目标的社区举措。 The funding aims to enhance community initiatives aligned with strategic goals such as sustainability, health, and inclusivity. 理事会将有关这些请求的决定推迟到以后的预算审议,新的赠款流允许在现有市政赠款标准之外为各组织提供支助。 The council has postponed decisions on these requests to later budget deliberations, with the new grant stream allowing support for organizations outside existing municipal grant criteria.