大多数癌症幸存者在接受治疗后面临性健康问题,但缺乏与医生的讨论。 Most cancer survivors face sexual health issues post-treatment, but discussions with doctors are lacking.
许多癌症幸存者在治疗后面临未解决的性健康问题,约有80%的人面临困难。 Many cancer survivors face unaddressed sexual health issues after treatment, with around 80% experiencing difficulties. 医生们常常避免讨论这些问题,使病人在处理诸如共同疼痛、勃起功能障碍和早期更年期等副作用方面得不到指导。 Doctors often avoid discussing these issues, leaving patients without guidance on dealing with side effects like joint pain, erectile dysfunction, and early menopause. 越来越多的幸存者(目前为1 800万,占总人口的5.4%)强调,有必要就性健康进行公开对话,以提高治疗后的生活质量。 The growing number of survivors, now at 18 million or 5.4% of the population, highlights the need for open conversations about sexual health to improve the quality of life post-treatment.