研究发现,非异性恋妇女更可能在更年期期间保持性行为活跃,健康问题较少。 Study finds non-heterosexual women more likely to stay sexually active during menopause with fewer health issues.
《更年期》杂志最近的一项研究表明,与异性恋妇女相比,非异性恋妇女更有可能保持性活跃,而且更年期报告的性健康问题较少。 A recent study in the journal Menopause shows that non-heterosexual women are more likely to remain sexually active and report fewer sexual health issues during menopause compared to heterosexual women. 通过分析230多名退伍军人的数据,研究发现,在过去一个月中,非异性恋妇女性行为活跃的可能性是前一个月的2.2倍,只有12%报告在性生活期间疼痛,而异性恋妇女的比例为48%。 Analyzing data from over 230 female veterans, the study found that non-heterosexual women were 2.2 times more likely to be sexually active in the past month and only 12% reported pain during sex, compared to 48% of heterosexual women. 调查结果强调,需要根据中年非异性恋妇女的特殊需要提供保健。 The findings emphasize the need for healthcare tailored to the unique needs of midlife non-heterosexual women.