新西兰考虑在惠灵顿 SH1 高速公路上采用“长隧道”方案,以改善交通流量并减少交通拥堵。 New Zealand considers a "Long Tunnel" option for SH1 in Wellington to improve traffic flow and reduce congestion.
新西兰交通部长西米恩·布朗透露,政府正在考虑在惠灵顿市一号国道(SH1)修建“长隧道”方案,以改善交通流量,缓解交通拥堵。 New Zealand's Transport Minister Simeon Brown reveals that the government is considering a "Long Tunnel" option for State Highway 1 (SH1) in Wellington City to improve traffic flow and reduce congestion. 根据政府的优先事项,该隧道最多可节省 15 分钟的旅行时间、减少干扰并减少对财产的影响。 Aligning with government priorities, the tunnel could save up to 15 minutes in travel time, cause less disruption, and impact fewer properties. 新西兰交通局(NZTA)已被要求就技术可行性、成本和资金方案提供建议。 The New Zealand Transport Agency (NZTA) has been asked to provide advice on the technical feasibility, cost, and funding options.