科奇对话2025年强调加强印度-GCC在贸易、安全和投资方面的联系。 Kochi Dialogue 2025 stresses stronger India-GCC ties in trade, security, and investment.
2025年科奇对话突出表明,印度和海湾合作委员会(海合会)之间需要通过改进体制改革和外交加强联系。 The Kochi Dialogue 2025 highlighted the need for stronger ties between India and the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) through improved institutional reforms and diplomacy. 加强协作的关键领域包括贸易、卫生、教育、能源、技术和海事安全。 Key areas for enhanced collaboration include trade, health, education, energy, technology, and maritime security. 对话强调了散居海外的印度人在推动这些关系中的作用,并强调必须消除法律障碍,吸引海合会在印度进行更多投资。 The dialogue emphasized the role of the Indian diaspora in advancing these relations and stressed the importance of addressing legal barriers to attract more GCC investments in India.