印度最高法院为关于公务员考试透明度要求的案件任命一名法律顾问。 India's Supreme Court appoints a legal advisor for a case on civil service exam transparency demands.
印度最高法院任命了一名法庭之友,协助处理公务员候选人要求联邦公务员委员会(UPSC)披露初步考试的答题钥匙、截分和个人候选人分数的案件。 The Supreme Court of India has appointed an amicus curiae to assist in a case where civil service aspirants are demanding the Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) disclose answer keys, cut-off marks, and individual candidate scores for the preliminary exam. UPSC 通常只在整个考试过程之后发布这些详细信息。 The UPSC usually releases these details only after the entire exam process. 法院要求UPSC和中央提交一份额外的宣誓书, The court has asked the UPSC and the Centre to file an additional affidavit addressing potential challenges if the demands are met. 案件将于2月4日再次审理。 The case will be heard again on February 4.