面临驱逐的不列颠哥伦比亚省家庭在照料临终病人时得到社区支持。 British Columbia family facing eviction finds community support while caring for a terminally ill member.
不列颠哥伦比亚省的一个家庭,由Corrina Bowers领导,在两周内将被驱逐出其Vernon公寓,该家庭正在获得大量的社区支持。 A British Columbia family, led by Corrina Bowers and facing eviction from their Vernon apartment within two weeks, is receiving significant community support. 鲍尔斯正在照顾她身患不治之症的母亲罗宾·莱萨德,并准备在她母亲去世后监护她的妹妹。 Bowers is caring for her terminally ill mother, Robin Lessard, and preparing to take custody of her younger sister upon her mother's passing. 在他们的艰难处境下,社区的反应提供了希望和援助。 The community's response has provided hope and assistance during their tough situation.