西姆科的加拿大妇女庇护所报告说,家庭暴力案件夏季激增,儿童占47%。 Canadian women's shelter in Simcoe reports summer surge in domestic violence cases with 47% occupancy by children.
加拿大的一个Simcoe妇女庇护所报告说,逃离家庭暴力的家庭夏季有所增加,其中19张床位中几乎一半由儿童占用。 A Simcoe women's shelter in Canada reports a summer increase in families fleeing domestic violence, with almost half of its 19 beds occupied by children. 庇护所帮助母亲与社会服务、工作和住房申请以及监护听证会联系起来,同时为儿童提供一个有利的环境。 The shelter helps mothers connect with social services, job and housing applications, and custody hearings, while providing a supportive environment for the children. 等候者名单很长,收容所需要捐赠,如卫生用品、衣服、食品和在儿童逗留期间对其进行娱乐的物品。 There is a long waiting list, and the shelter is in need of donations such as hygiene products, clothes, food, and items to keep the children entertained during their stay.