澳大利亚医疗团体要求更年期会议支持有关荷尔蒙治疗的错误信息。 Australian medical group pulls support from menopause conference over claims of misinformation on hormone therapies.
澳大利亚皇家全科医师学院撤销了对更年期会议的支持,并表示关切其发言者宣传未经证实的荷尔蒙疗法的说法。 The Royal Australian College of General Practitioners has withdrawn support from a menopause conference, citing concerns about its speakers promoting unproven claims about hormone therapies. 批评者担心,错误信息可能导致妇女错过必要的治疗。 Critics fear that misinformation could lead women to miss out on necessary treatments. 更年期医学领域历来资金不足和被忽视,一项长达数十年的研究助长了对荷尔蒙疗法的负面认识。 The field of menopause medicine has historically been underfunded and overlooked, with a decades-old study contributing to a negative perception of hormone therapy.