Norfolk和Waveney的妇女缺乏适当的卵巢清除后护理,面临过早更年期问题。 Women in Norfolk and Waveney lacking proper post-ovary removal care, facing premature menopause issues.
更年期支助调查显示,在Norfolk和Waveney摘除卵巢的妇女没有得到适当的外科手术后护理,包括关于过早更年期等副作用的信息,以及需要激素替代疗法。 A survey by Menopause Support reveals that women who had their ovaries removed in Norfolk and Waveney are not receiving adequate post-surgery care, including information on side effects like premature menopause and the need for Hormone Replacement Therapy. 许多妇女缺乏后续任命,最终寻求昂贵的私人护理。 Many women lack follow-up appointments and end up seeking costly private care. 创立者Diane Danzebrink呼吁紧急审查国家保健服务系统的更年期护理,以确保在手术前后向病人提供更好的支助和信息。 Founder Diane Danzebrink calls for an urgent review of NHS menopause care to ensure better support and information for patients before and after surgery.