澳大利亚试行“太阳税”, 以管理太阳能出口、鼓励电池使用及夜电网支持。 Australia trials "sun tax" to manage solar energy exports, encouraging battery use and evening grid support.
在澳大利亚,正在试行一种新的“太阳税”或双向定价制度,以管理白天高峰时段产生的超量太阳能。 In Australia, a new "sun tax" or two-way pricing system is being trialed to manage excess solar energy generated during peak daylight hours. 这影响到三分之一拥有屋顶太阳能的家庭,历史上将75%的产出出口到电网。 This affects one-third of households with rooftop solar, historically exporting 75% of output to the grid. 为此,经济学家Nicki Hutley建议投资于家用电池和车辆对电网的充电。 To combat this, economist Nicki Hutley recommends investing in household batteries and vehicle-to-grid charging. 现在正在全国推广的智能测量仪将有助于优化白天的能源使用。 Smart meters, now being rolled out across the country, will help optimize energy usage during the day. 监管者旨在稳定电网,鼓励高需求时期的能源出口,对下午4时至9时的能源出口给予奖励。 Regulators aim to stabilize the grid by encouraging energy exports during high-demand periods, offering rewards for exporting energy between 4 pm and 9 pm.