Anna大学宣布从1月24日起参加NCET和CECTA PG考试的申请日期。 Anna University announces application dates for TANCET and CEETA PG exams starting January 24.
Anna大学公布了NCET和CECTA PG 2025考试的申请时间表。 Anna University has released the application schedule for the TANCET and CEETA PG 2025 exams. 工程研究生课程的CEETA PG和MBA和MCA课程的TANCET都将于2025年1月24日开始接受申请,并于2025年2月21日结束. Both the TANCET for MBA and MCA programs and the CEETA PG for engineering postgraduate programs start accepting applications on January 24, 2025, and close on February 21, 2025. 3月22日是国家考试,3月23日是CECTA PG考试。 The TANCET exam is on March 22, and CEETA PG on March 23. 申请费用不同:500卢比为保留类别和1000卢比为其他TANCET; 900卢比与GST为保留类别和1800卢比与GST为其他CEETAPG. Application fees vary: Rs 500 for reserved categories and Rs 1,000 for others for TANCET; Rs 900 with GST for reserved categories and Rs 1,800 with GST for others for CEETA PG. 申请可在Tancet.annauniv.edu在线上提交。 Applications can be submitted online at