Uttar Pradesh开放了UPJEE 2025的注册,这是理工学院入学的关键考试。 Uttar Pradesh opens registrations for UPJEE 2025, a key exam for polytechnic college admissions.
联合入学考试委员会(JEECUP)为UPJEE 2025开放了注册登记,目的是接纳学生进入北方邦的理工学院。 The Joint Entrance Examination Council (JEECUP) has opened registrations for the UPJEE 2025, aimed at admitting students to polytechnic colleges in Uttar Pradesh. 登记开放至2025年4月30日, 网站jeecup. accessions.nic.in。 Registrations are open until April 30, 2025, on the website jeecup.admissions.nic.in. 考试将于5月20日至28日举行,6月10日公布考试结果。 The exam will be held from May 20 to 28, with results announced on June 10. 一般候选人和OBC候选人的申请费为300卢比,在册种姓和在册部落候选人的申请费为200卢比。 Application fees are Rs 300 for general and OBC candidates, and Rs 200 for SC and ST candidates. 候选人必须已经通过至少50%的12年级,并且至少14岁。 Candidates must have passed class 12 with a minimum 50% and be at least 14 years old.