古吉拉特邦的ACPC更新了PGCET 2024-25录取时间表,暂定成绩表于8月16日公布。 Gujarat's ACPC updates PGCET 2024-25 admission schedule, provisional merit list on August 16.
古吉拉特邦专业课程招生委员会更新了PGCET 2024-25的招生时间表,暂定择优录取名单将于8月16日公布。 Gujarat's Admission Committee for Professional Courses (ACPC) has updated the PGCET 2024-25 admission schedule, with the provisional merit list to be released on August 16. 模拟(审判)回合选择填充将从8月17日至19日开始,学年从8月29日开始。 The mock (trial) round choice filling will be from August 17-19, and the academic year begins on August 29. 申请ME,MTech,MPharm,MPlan,MArch及相关课程的申请人应查看官方网站 (gujacpc.admissions.nic.in) 详细信息. Candidates seeking admission to ME, MTech, MPharm, MPlan, MArch, and related courses should check the official website (gujacpc.admissions.nic.in) for details.