David Ryan Thurber在逃避GPS追踪和使用别名后,在伊利诺伊州被捕。 Wisconsin sex offender David Ryan Thurber arrested in Illinois after evading GPS tracking and using an alias.
David Ryan Thurber是威斯康星州注册的性罪犯,在伊利诺伊州丹维尔因切断全球定位系统监视器和使用别名逃避抓捕数月后被捕。 David Ryan Thurber, a Wisconsin registered sex offender, was arrested in Danville, Illinois, after evading capture for months by cutting off his GPS monitor and using an alias. 在他被捕期间,当局发现Thurber拥有甲基苯丙胺和手机,这违反了他的性罪犯登记条件。 During his arrest, authorities found Thurber in possession of methamphetamine and cell phones, which violated his sex offender registry conditions. 包括美国元帅署在内的多个机构参与了对他的逮捕。 Multiple agencies, including the US Marshal's Service, were involved in his apprehension.