54岁的Medford男子David Lee Hurd因鼓励儿童性虐待而被捕。 David Lee Hurd, a 54-year-old Medford man, was arrested for encouraging child sexual abuse.
一名54岁的Medford男子David Lee Hurd于11月26日因10项鼓励儿童性虐待的重罪罪被捕。 A 54-year-old Medford man, David Lee Hurd, was arrested on November 26 for 10 felony counts of encouraging child sexual abuse. 在向全国失踪和被剥削儿童中心南俄勒冈儿童剥削小组提供消息后,调查于2023年开始。 之后,国家失踪和被剥削儿童中心签发了搜查令,并从赫德家中没收了数字设备。 The investigation began in 2023 after a tip to the Southern Oregon Child Exploitation Team from the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children led to a search warrant and the seizure of digital devices from Hurd's home. 在对这些装置进行法医检查过程中发现了剥削儿童的证据。 Evidence of child exploitation was found during the forensic examination of these devices.