美国海岸警卫队提出的稳定性问题导致船只的运行延迟. The SS United States, bought for an artificial reef, faces delays due to stability concerns raised by the US Coast Guard.
美国党卫军这个历史悠久的远洋轮船,由于美国海岸警卫队提出的稳定问题,其计划从费城迁至佛罗里达岛外作为人工礁体沉没的计划面临拖延。 The SS United States, a historic ocean liner, faces delays in its planned move from Philadelphia to be sunk as an artificial reef off Florida due to stability concerns raised by the US Coast Guard. 购买该船的Okalosa县进行了海岸警卫队接受的稳定性测试。 Okaloosa County, which bought the ship, has conducted stability tests accepted by the Coast Guard. 接下来的步骤包括一项详细的拖船计划,预计到2025年底或2026年初,该船将沉没。 The next steps include a detailed tow plan, with the ship expected to be sunk by the end of 2025 or early 2026.