SS United States 将与 Penn Warehousing 合作,在定居点改造成世界上最大的人工鱼礁。 SS United States to be transformed into the world's largest artificial reef in a settlement with Penn Warehousing.
SS United States 将在监督非营利组织与 Penn Warehousing 达成和解后转变为世界上最大的人工礁石。 The SS United States will be transformed into the world's largest artificial reef following a settlement between the overseeing nonprofit and Penn Warehousing. 该船将转运至佛罗里达州Oskaloosa县,该县计划投资珊瑚礁项目,并开发一个专门用于该船的博物馆。 The ship will be transferred to Oskaloosa County, Florida, which plans to invest in the reef project and develop a museum dedicated to the vessel. 该船在转换前将在弗吉尼亚诺福克进行整修,标志着40年来为重新使用这一历史性的班轮而进行的努力的结束。 The ship will undergo refurbishment in Norfolk, Virginia, before its conversion, marking the end of a 40-year effort to repurpose this historic liner.