世界上最快的远洋客轮 SS United States 面临着被驱逐出费城码头的危险。 SS United States, world's fastest ocean liner, faces eviction from Philadelphia pier.
SS United States 号是横渡大西洋最快的远洋客轮,曾由皇家邮轮玛丽女王号 (RMS Queen Mary) 运营,目前正面临从费城南部的一个码头被驱逐的命运。 The SS United States, the fastest ocean liner to cross the Atlantic and once held by the RMS Queen Mary, is facing eviction from a pier in south Philadelphia. 这艘 990 英尺的船比泰坦尼克号还要大,比玛丽女王号的时间快了 10 个小时,并一直保持着这一纪录。 The 990 ft. ship, which is bigger than the Titanic, bested the Queen Mary's time by 10 hours and has held the record since. 美国政府帮助支付了这艘船的费用,如果冷战升级,它可以迅速改装成一艘运兵船,能够运载 14,000 名士兵行驶 10,000 英里而无需加油。 The U.S. government helped pay for the ship, and in the event of the Cold War escalating, it could have been quickly converted into a troopship able to carry 14,000 soldiers 10,000 miles without refueling.