Shropshire酒吧和餐馆提供折扣和促销,以吸引周日后顾客。 Shropshire pubs and restaurants offer discounts and promotions to attract customers post-holiday.
1月期间,一些Shropshire酒吧和餐馆提供折扣和促销,以吸引顾客。 Several Shropshire pubs and restaurants are offering discounts and promotions to attract customers during January. Marston的酒吧,包括Shrewsbury的Featherbed和Boars Head, 提供30%的主餐,直到2月1日。 Marston's pubs, including The Featherbed and Boars Head in Shrewsbury, offer 30% off main meals through February 1. Oswestry的George有酒促销, 而其他的酒吧,如新旅馆和Shrewsbury的Vault, 提供2对1的交易 在整个1月的主要餐饮。 The George in Oswestry has drink promotions, while other pubs like The New Inn and The Vault in Shrewsbury offer 2-for-1 deals on main meals throughout January. 这些提议的目的是帮助顾客在周日后节省钱财。 These offers aim to help customers save money post-holiday.