JD Wetherspoon在圣诞节开放664个英国酒吧,从上午11时至下午3时供应饮料但没有食物。 JD Wetherspoon opens 664 UK pubs on Christmas Day, serving drinks but no food, from 11 am to 3 pm.
2024年圣诞节, JD Wetherspoon将开放664个英国酒吧, On Christmas Day 2024, JD Wetherspoon will open 664 of its UK pubs from 11 am to 3 pm, serving drinks but no food. 其余的133个酒吧将被关闭。 The remaining 133 pubs will be closed. Wetherspoon的圣诞菜单以切片火鸡乳房和冬季蔬菜为特色, Wetherspoon's Christmas menu, featuring dishes like sliced turkey breast and winter vegetables, is available from November 13 to December 31, excluding Christmas Day. 顾客可以在公司网站上找到最近的开放酒吧。 Customers can find the nearest open pub on the company's website.