Rochester医院的流感、COVID和RSV感染率为150%,导致24人死亡和长时间急诊等候。 Rochester hospitals hit 150% capacity with flu, COVID, and RSV, leading to 24 deaths and long ER waits.
罗切斯特地区医院充斥着流感、COVID和RSV等病例,容量高达150%。 Rochester-area hospitals are overwhelmed with flu, COVID, and RSV cases, reaching up to 150% capacity. 本季有24起与流感有关的死亡报告,急诊室拥挤,造成非关键病人长时间等待。 With 24 flu-related deaths reported this season, ERs are crowded, causing long wait times for non-critical patients. 保健领导人建议首先寻求初级保健,生病时留在家中,以避免传播疾病。 Healthcare leaders advise seeking primary care first and staying home when sick to avoid spreading illness. 他们强调接种疫苗和基本卫生的重要性,尽管选择性手术尚未推迟。 They stress the importance of vaccinations and basic hygiene, though elective surgeries have not yet been postponed. 该区域的医院床位数在纽约是每1 000人中最低的。 The region has the lowest number of hospital beds per 1,000 people in New York.