2024年,10,000多万富翁离开联合王国,他们援引劳工局的税收计划和其他关切。 Over 10,000 millionaires have left the UK in 2024, citing Labour's tax plans and other concerns.
在过去的一年中,有1万多亿富翁离开联合王国,这是由于对劳工局的税收计划和对富裕的非定居居民增加税收的担忧。 More than 10,000 millionaires have left the UK in the past year, driven by concerns over Labour's tax plans and increased taxes on wealthy non-domiciled residents. 自工党掌权以来,人口外流速度加快,联合王国在2024年净损失10 800万富翁,比2023年增加了157%。 This exodus has accelerated since the Labour Party took power, with the UK losing a net 10,800 millionaires in 2024, a 157% increase from 2023. 富裕个人的离开也与美国和亚洲在技术领域日益占据支配地位、伦敦证券交易所下跌以及英国医疗体系的问题有关。 The departure of wealthy individuals is also linked to the growing dominance of the US and Asia in tech, the decline of London's stock exchange, and issues with the UK's healthcare system.