New Haven, CT在可能发生的特朗普政策变化中,释放移民权利指南。 New Haven, CT, releases immigrant rights guide amid potential Trump policy changes.
在特朗普总统对新移民政策的期望下, 康涅狄格州纽黑文市为移民发布了双语资源指南, New Haven, Connecticut, has released a bilingual resource guide for immigrants, outlining their rights and local services, amid expectations of new immigration policies from President Trump. 该市重申对欢迎的承诺,确保其工作人员和警察不询问居民的移民身份,除非法律有要求。 The city, reaffirming its commitment to being welcoming, has ensured its staff and police won't inquire about residents' immigration status unless required by law. 市长Elicker和当地官员敦促居民了解自己的权利并寻求可靠的信息。 Mayor Elicker and local officials urge residents to learn their rights and seek reliable information.