康涅狄格州协助越来越多的移民纳税人申请个人纳税识别号码 (ITIN)。 Connecticut assists growing number of immigrant taxpayers applying for Individual Tax Identification Numbers (ITINs).
康涅狄格州税务机构协助越来越多的移民纳税人,其中许多人申请个人纳税识别号 (ITIN),以便在没有社会保障号的情况下报税。 Connecticut tax agencies assist growing number of immigrant taxpayers, with many applying for Individual Tax Identification Numbers (ITINs) to file taxes without a Social Security Number. 该州发现使用 ITIN 报税的移民有所增加,其中包括越来越多的无证移民。 The state sees an increase in immigrants filing taxes with ITINs, including a growing number of undocumented immigrants. 拥有税号可以帮助移民通过合法创办企业、开设银行账户和注册某些服务来安顿下来。 Having a Tax ID helps immigrants settle in by legally starting a business, opening a bank account, and registering for certain services.