新不伦瑞克的酒和大麻商店上周由于被察觉到的网络安全威胁而只收现金。 New Brunswick liquor and cannabis stores went cash-only last week due to a detected cybersecurity threat.
由于1月7日发现的网络安全威胁,新不伦瑞克的酒类和大麻商店上周暂时停止了信贷和借记交易。 Liquor and cannabis stores in New Brunswick temporarily halted credit and debit transactions last week due to a cybersecurity threat detected on January 7. 商店转而只收现金销售,给客户造成不便。 The stores switched to cash-only sales, causing inconvenience to customers. 外部调查正在进行中,管理仓库的公司NB Liquor没有披露事件的具体细节,为混乱道歉。 An external investigation is ongoing, and the corporation managing the stores, NB Liquor, has not disclosed specific details about the incident, apologizing for the disruption.