加拿大Dimes 3月敦促迅速批准自7月1日起向低收入残疾人发放新的每月200美元的残疾津贴。 March of Dimes Canada urges quick approval for a new $200 monthly disability benefit for low-income disabled individuals starting July 1.
加拿大迪梅斯(Dimes Canada)三月正推动快速批准新的联邦残疾津贴条例, March of Dimes Canada is pushing for quick approval of regulations for a new federal disability benefit, set to begin on July 1, which would provide $200 monthly to eligible low-income disabled individuals. 该组织警告说,如果政府面临被反对党推翻的风险,拖延可能会威胁到福利金的起始日期以及用于支持申请的2.43亿美元基金。 The organization warns that delays could threaten the benefit's start date and a $243 million fund to support applications, amid risks of the government being toppled by opposition parties. Khera部长办公室保证在7月1日的最后期限之前继续开展工作。 Minister Khera's office assures work continues to meet the July 1 deadline.