加拿大残疾倡导者要求将CDB上限从每月200美元提高到更好地支助工作年龄残疾人。 Canadian disability advocates push for increased CDB cap from $200/month to better support working-age individuals with disabilities.
加拿大的残疾倡导者敦促联邦政府增加拟议的加拿大残疾福利金上限,即每月200加元,他们认为这不足以使工作年龄的残疾人摆脱贫困。 Disability advocates in Canada are urging the federal government to increase the proposed Canada Disability Benefit (CDB) cap of $200 per month, which they argue is insufficient to lift working-age individuals with disabilities out of poverty. 旨在补充60多万加拿大人现有支助的加拿大发展银行因其不足而遭到批评。 The CDB, intended to supplement existing supports for over 600,000 Canadians, has faced criticism for its inadequacy. 倡导者强调需要与低收入老年人类似的财政支助,以确保尊严和经济参与。 Advocates highlight the need for financial support comparable to that of low-income seniors to ensure dignity and economic participation.