男子被控六起家庭暴力罪行,包括刺伤、窒息和跟踪悉尼的一名妇女。 Man charged with six domestic violence offenses, including stabbing, choking, and stalking a woman in Sydney.
一名来自西悉尼的37岁男子被控六起家庭暴力罪行, 包括跟踪、窒息、以及星期五晚上在卡布拉马塔(Cabramatta)刺杀一名34岁妇女。 A 37-year-old man from western Sydney faces court after being charged with six domestic violence offenses, including stalking, choking, and stabbing a 34-year-old woman in Cabramatta on Friday night. 警方发现这名妇女背部被刺伤,她被带往利物浦医院,病情稳定。 Police found the woman with a stab wound to her back and she was taken to Liverpool Hospital in stable condition. 嫌疑人被指控轻率伤害、跟踪、恐吓、未经同意窒息和破坏财产。 The suspect is charged with reckless wounding, stalking, intimidation, choking without consent, and destroying property.