在澳大利亚Queanbeyan发生刺杀事件后,一名妇女被捕,拒绝保释。 A woman was arrested and refused bail after a stabbing incident in Queanbeyan, Australia.
12月2日,在澳大利亚克安贝扬发生刺伤事件后,一名34岁的妇女被捕并受到指控,当时发现一名58岁的男子的手臂被刺伤。 A 34-year-old woman was arrested and charged after a stabbing incident in Queanbeyan, Australia, on December 2, where a 58-year-old man was found with stab wounds to his arm. 她被拒保释,将于2025年2月3日再次出庭。 She was refused bail and will appear in court again on February 3, 2025. 该妇女被控伤害他人,意图造成严重身体伤害,并携带武器意图犯下可起诉的罪行。 The woman faces charges of wounding a person with intent to cause grievous bodily harm and armed with intent to commit an indictable offense.