肯尼亚禁止印度药店使用毒品,理由是没有达到当地登记标准。 Kenya bans drugs from Indian Pharmacopoeia, citing failure to meet local registration standards.
肯尼亚药剂和毒物管理局禁止进口和销售印度药店标准化的药物,因为这些药物不符合肯尼亚的注册要求。 The Kenyan Pharmacy and Poisons Board has banned the import and sale of drugs standardized by the Indian Pharmacopoeia, as these do not meet Kenya's registration requirements. 麻管局警告制药公司确保所有产品均在制药公司登记,或面临吊销执照和没收产品。 The Board warns pharmaceutical companies to ensure all products are registered with them, or face license revocation and product seizure. 这一行动旨在通过维持严格的药物标准来保护公共健康。 This move aims to protect public health by maintaining stringent drug standards.