DGGI命令召回45种药物,用于处理质量问题,其中5种被确定为虚假。 DCGI orders recall of 45 medications for quality issues, with 5 identified as spurious.
印度的药物监管者DGGI下令收回45种药品,因为质量标准不达标。 India's drug regulator, the DCGI, has ordered the recall of 45 medications for failing quality standards. 关于50种被禁止的“假”药品的报告被澄清为不正确;只有5种被确认为虚假。 Reports of 50 banned "fake" medicines were clarified as incorrect; only five were identified as spurious. CDSCO每月测试大约2,000个样本,40-50个样本没有不同的参数。 The CDSCO tests around 2,000 samples monthly, with 40-50 failing various parameters. 监管者正在对假药的制造者采取行动,并继续努力改进对《药品和化妆品法》的遵守情况。 The regulator is taking action against the makers of the spurious drugs and continues to work on improving compliance under the Drug and Cosmetics Act.