2024年,印度135种药物质量测试失败,导致缉获了价值6.60卢比的毒品。 In 2024, 135 drugs in India failed quality tests, leading to a seizure worth Rs 6.60 crores.
2024年11月,印度的135种药物质量测试失败,由中央和邦级实验室确定为非标准质量(NSQ)。 In November 2024, 135 drugs failed quality tests in India, identified as non-standard quality (NSQ) by both central and state laboratories. 卫生部强调,问题在于具体的毒品批次,而不是整个市场。 The Ministry of Health emphasized that the issue was with specific drug batches, not the entire market. 当局在最近对加尔各答的一次联合调查中缉获了价值6.60卢比的毒品。 Authorities seized drugs worth Rs 6.60 crores in a recent joint investigation in Kolkata. 公布这些清单有助于将低于标准的药品从市场上剔除。 The publication of these lists aids in removing substandard drugs from the market.