环礁鲸在英国海岸外的目击事件激增,标志着捕鲸后的恢复禁令。 Humpback whale sightings off UK coasts surge, signaling recovery post-whaling bans.
最近,英国海岸,尤其是康沃尔郡和肯特郡的座头鲸目击事件激增,这表明在 1960 年代和 1980 年代商业捕鲸禁令之后有所恢复。 Humpback whale sightings off the UK coast, particularly in Cornwall and Kent, have surged recently, indicating a recovery after commercial whaling bans in the 1960s and 1980s. 专家认为,增加的原因可能在于鲸鱼的移徙模式或食物供应的变化。 Experts suggest the increase may be due to the whales' migration patterns or changing food availability. 虽然观光刺激自然爱好者,但人们担心航运和海上设施可能中断。 While the sightings thrill nature enthusiasts, there are concerns about potential disruptions from shipping and offshore installations.