萨利希海的座头鲸专注于觅食,对周围环境毫不在意;划船者应注意。 Humpback whales in the Salish Sea focus on feeding, oblivious to surroundings; boaters should be aware.
与座头鲸的近距离接触让人想起鲸鱼专注于觅食而对周围环境毫不在意。 Close encounter with a humpback whale serves as a reminder of the whales' focus on feeding and their obliviousness to surroundings. 这些鲸鱼从夏威夷、墨西哥和中美洲的繁殖地归来,努力在萨利希海建立保护区,它们会非常忠诚地返回保护区,这通常是由它们的母亲教导的。 The whales, returning from breeding in Hawaii, Mexico, and Central America, are working hard to build up reserves in the Salish Sea, which they return to with strong site fidelity, often taught by their mothers. 对于航行在该区域的船员来说,了解这种行为至关重要。 It is crucial for boaters to understand this behavior as they navigate the area.